Behavior Therapists

Specializing in Pediatrics

(973) 921-0900

Social Skills Groups

To Schedule a Social Skills Groups Screening Call (973) 921-0900 or email us at


Social Skills Groups And Group Therapy

The goal of BehaviorWise Groups is to help children develop self-confidence in decision-making, communication, social skills and problem solving. We set up our groups by placing children with peers who are of a similar age and developmental level.

Who Are The Groups For?

Children Ages: Pre-School through Middle School.

Children who have:

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • ADHD
  • Oppositional behaviors
  • Asperger's Disorder
  • Poor communication skills
  • Difficulty making friends
  • Difficulty asserting themselves with peers
  • Trouble with teasing and bullying
  • Experienced a difficult transition such as divorce or death of a family member

What Will The Group Accomplish?

Children will develop or strengthen skills based on their specific needs and general skills for enhancing interpersonal relationships. These skills include:

  • Active Listening
  • Conversation Skills
  • Emotional Recognition and Expression Skills
  • Anger Management
  • Relaxation Skills
  • Dealing with Teasing/Bullying
  • Enhancing Interpersonal Relationships

How do I Get my Child Into a Group That Suits His/Her Needs?

To schedule a screening, please call us at (973) 921-0900 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Also offering:

Pragmatic Language Social Skills Group

Pragmatic language refers to a child's communicative intent; the way a child uses language to communicate, rather than the way language is structured. While pragmatic language and social skills development comes naturally to most children, others may need help developing or improving these skills.

From the moment a baby is born, he will start to respond and adapt to the people around him. About the time he turns two, he will begin to enjoy playing with other children. But, he will need to learn to socialize by trial and error. At first, he will be unable to share his toys. Later, he will learn to empathize with his playmates. By three years old, he will be on his way to making friends.

Practice Playce is unique because sessions are jointly led by a licensed speech-language pathologist as well as a licensed behavioral therapist.

This pairing ensures the most coordinated treatment environment for social language development. Empirically-based strategies are used to target each child's needs and enhance the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of social skills. In addition to direct therapy, Practice Playce provides parent training and home instructional materials.

Practice Playce offers dyads for 2-7 year olds. Children are placed in small groups (up to five children) according to age and developmental level.

Practice Playce will help your child to improve:

  • eye contact
  • attending skills
  • turn taking
  • waiting behavior
  • expressing needs
  • asking questions
  • answering questions
  • sharing/cooperative play
  • assertiveness when necessary
  • resolving conflicts
  • self-confidence